Monday, April 02, 2007

Plant-derived vaccine research profile 2: The Burnet Institute

This is a continuation of the series...

Name: The Burnet Institute

Location: Australia

Research: Vaccines against malaria and measles

More coming soon...

Large Scale Biology closing signals: A death blow to the industry?

According to a The Scientist news article Large Scale Biology, a pioneer in plant-derived vaccines is on a staff cutting spree. Does that mean end of the infant and very promising industry? Read on...

LSBC closing signals pharming trouble by Ted Agres. The Scientist news. 17 January, 2006.

Friday, March 16, 2007

14th Annual Life and Health Sciences Research Conference

Hi all,

The poster competition is finally over. There were around 120 posters competing in different categories like Microbiology, Reproductive Biology, Plant Sciences, etc. It was a very good experience (and an addition to my Resume). George says that it'll help a lot for my SAC meeting. Personally I feel that the judges made very good comments and their feedback was very helpful to me. And the exciting news is that Sohail won 1st prize in the Microbiology/Immunology category. George will be very proud of him. Hope I'll win next year!

Cya soon.

My update


I've been very busy these days, writing exams, preparing for class presentations and poster for the forthcoming 14th Annual Life and Health Sciences Research Conference here in campus. I'll post about that later. Moreover I've to go for my first Student Advisory Committee (SAC) later this month. Also as a part of my research I've to conduct an interview with Dr. Lorne Babiuk, Director and CEO of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Organisation (VIDO).

The composition of my SAC: Dr. Robert Hudson (Chair, InterD), George, Dr. Peter Phillips (Dep't of Political Science) and Dr. Andrew Potter (CSO, VIDO). Hope I can manage them well!

Hope I won't crumble under such pressure! Cya soon.

PUBS update

Hi all,

I'm posting after a long time. PUBS was a nice experience. We all enjoyed a lot. The poster presentations were good too, but I was disappointed at the low level of participation. Sohail told me it was due to the location (Regina), but is Regina so inaccessible?

Cya soon.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

PUBS update


This update is for those who've been enthusiastically following my PUBS post (hope there're some!). My abstract has been accepted and scheduled for presentation on 23 February 2007 at the University of Regina. Yesterday George (my supervisor) helped me a lot in giving ideas about the poster design. Sohail (PhD Candidate, George's lab) gave me a template for the poster. And did I tell you Dinka (MSc candidate) is giving Sohail (and his family) and me a ride to and fro Regina? Thanks Sohail, Dinka and George. Kelly and Zafir are taking an Ag-Canada car. I'm excited about the trip and the symp.

Cya soon.

Plant-derived vaccine company profiles 1: Medicago Inc.

Coming more soon...

Name: Medicago Inc.
Location: Ville de Québec (Québec City), Canada

Host: Medicago sativa (alflalfa)
Disease: Influenza
Antigens: Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase
Expression: Transient

Latest news: Medicago launches pre-clinical study for an influenza vaccine (30 January 2007)