Thursday, February 15, 2007

PUBS update


This update is for those who've been enthusiastically following my PUBS post (hope there're some!). My abstract has been accepted and scheduled for presentation on 23 February 2007 at the University of Regina. Yesterday George (my supervisor) helped me a lot in giving ideas about the poster design. Sohail (PhD Candidate, George's lab) gave me a template for the poster. And did I tell you Dinka (MSc candidate) is giving Sohail (and his family) and me a ride to and fro Regina? Thanks Sohail, Dinka and George. Kelly and Zafir are taking an Ag-Canada car. I'm excited about the trip and the symp.

Cya soon.

Plant-derived vaccine company profiles 1: Medicago Inc.

Coming more soon...

Name: Medicago Inc.
Location: Ville de Québec (Québec City), Canada

Host: Medicago sativa (alflalfa)
Disease: Influenza
Antigens: Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase
Expression: Transient

Latest news: Medicago launches pre-clinical study for an influenza vaccine (30 January 2007)

Plant-derived vaccine research profiles 1: Daniell Lab

coming soon...


Lab: Daniell Lab for Molecular Biotechnology Research at the University of Central Florida.

Dr. Henry Daniell (technical founder of Chlorogen)

Research: Anthrax vaccine in tobbacco (host)

Paper: Koya, V., Moayeri, M., Leppla, S.H. and Daniell, H. (2005) Plant based vaccine: mice immunized with chloroplast-derived anthrax protective antigen survive anthrax lethal toxin challenge. Infection and Immunity, 73: 8266-8274 (featured on Discovery Channel, Trends in Biotechnology, several hundred news papers and broadcasts).

Read news about him:
31 January, 2007. Indian origin scientist helps make cheap vaccines. International Academy of Life Sciences' online phyto-pharma online community.

the original news article:
24 January. 2007. Indian origin scientist helps make cheap vaccines. India eNews.

More coming soon...